02 March 2006

Dublin Part 1 & Politics

Off to Dublin tomorrow for a hen weekend. Can't wait! Managed to get this afternoon off work to go about getting myself ready. Picked up my Euros from the Post Office, just got to get packed.

I will share the sordid details when I get back!


For those who don't know or haven't guseed yet, I'm passionately political! Specifically I'm a Lib Dem supporter and member. This afternoon the end of a turbulent couple of months for the party came, a new leader was elected, Sir Menzies Campbell. Personally, I voted for Simon Hughes, he would have won too if it weren't for that pesky sexuality thing.

I must admit, I'm surprised how big an effect that had on his place in the leadership contest, considering we are talking about liberals here! I understand that some people saw it that he had been misleading on the issue, but I maintain that in this society today, sexuality has no place in politics. He didn't feel the need to confess his bisexuality, it has nothing to do with his job as MP. Afterall, it doesn't matter in any other profession and historically, politics has not been kind to those of an alternative persusion. And he never lied, he said he wasn't gay and would like to get married. Well, it's true, he isn't gay, he's bi!

Anyway, what's done is done. Ming will lead the party for a few years before he decides to retire. I hope he can bring stability to the party and thoroughly convince the British public that the Liberal Democrats are a viable option for leadership. The blunt truth is that the party has enough voters already to break ground, over 20% of the vote went to them at the last general election.

However, our stupid first-past-the-post system means that this proportion of votes is not reflected in parliament - subsequently Labour is over-represented, they only acheived 36% of the vote (that's votes cast, only 22% of all registered voters voted for Labour last time) and they have a majority of seats.

The Lib Dems are seeking to change this grossly unfair system - which, incidently, isn't used anywhere else in Europe, because everyone else sees how stupid it is!

Also, I think everyone reading this is either one of those people or knows people who say they would vote Lib Dem, but they don't want the Tories back. Well, folks, simple maths says that if everyone who felt that way just voted according to their political leaning then the Lib Dems would get into power!!!

You can join the Real Alternative here. And find out more about electoral reform here and here.