11 December 2008

6 years and all done

Well, I got my final course result and it was a very comfortable PASS! I have my degree! I have graduated with a 2.1 in Religious Studies :-)

I still can't quite believe that it is all over. After six years I finally have no coursework to do, no big qualification to aim for. It's weird and a bit scary. What do I do now? I have no idea.

The big question right now is will I make it to my graduation ceremony? It's on Saturday 28th March... the baby is due on the 12th March, so I think I might be a bit busy!

04 December 2008

Victory in Europe

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled in favour of two men who took their case to them after the UK government refused to removed their DNA records from the database. The two men were arrested, one was acquitted, the other had his charges dropped, but their records were kept, according to current procedure.

That the ECHR has ruled in favour of these men is a huge step for liberty in this country. The decision was unanimous from the 17 senior judges appointed to the case. They found in favour of the men on the grounds of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Although there are no immediate changes this will set a precedent for future cases of innocent people's personal data being stored and will be a severe spanner in the works for Labour's disastrous ID Card campaign. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has snubbed the ruling, in typical fashion for this government when faced with criticism of the DNA database.

To find out more about how you can help stop the government robbing us of our privacy visit http://www.no2id.net/ and to read the whole news story visit http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7764069.stm