01 February 2008

A New Year?

Or same old story?

On the plus side, Gordon Brown is showing signs of bowing to public pressure in pushing back the ID scam (er, I mean scheme, yeah right) by two years. On the down side, I am job hunting again.

In roleplaying news, our Werewolf: the Forsaken campaign, Echoes of the Past, has come to a pause on one heck of a high note. I am a little sad today as in last night's climactic game we had a huge and awesome battle, in which a much loved NPC was taken down and we go forward into 2008 not quite sure what is going to happen with the game.

Tomorrow is Imbolc, the festival of light. It is the first stirring of spring and newness, a time when we notice the days getting longer and a time for spring cleaning and celebrating the coming season of life and birth. I pause on the cusp of this day to wonder if 2008 will be any different to 2007. In the grand scheme of things, not much seems to have changed compared to this time last year. A month ago, as we entered this year I was full of hope and optimism for a fruitful year. Yet I find myself again looking for work and still promising myself that I will get in shape.

2007 was a great year for me, financially, socially and academically and I fear now that this year will only bring disappointments. But still, I mustn't let myself think that way, the only way is up, as they say.

Big thanks to Seagull Strange for linking to my blog from their website. They are playing on Saturday 16th February at the Cooler. Come and see them, it could change your life.