03 June 2007

Our new PM

Gordon Brown is talking about toughening so-called anti-terror laws. He's not not even moved into number 10 yet and he's already showing himself to be a frightening prospect as the first thing he wants to do is strip away even more of our civil liberties by allowing detention without charge for up to 90 days and allowing evidence from phone tapping to be admissible in court.

I read an excellent comment on the BBC, it went something like "I've been studying that total surveillance society you're building [in Britain]. How will you roll that back?" It's all very well for foolish members of the public to go along with these Draconian proposals in the name of security, safety, freedom etc. But how will we know when the "danger" has passed and how will we get back our freedom once it has been stripped away?

02 June 2007


If the opportunity to live in Japan for a year arose, would you take it? For me the answer is a very loud and resounding YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll keep you posted on this, obviously, it is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry early days yet, but there is the possibility. Fingers crossed that it will come to something.