15 February 2010

Next time...

I have been feeling very down recently. For months now Jack's sleep has been terrible. We have had better periods but they never last long. He is tired and grumpy in the day, sometimes only satisfied when he is breast feeding and I am perpetually exhausted too. He fights sleep most nights and for most naps. I feel like I spend over half my life trying to get him to go to sleep. I am miserable and not really enjoying being a parent at all. Neither of us have the energy to play or go out or do anything much during the day and I spend the time I'm not dealing with him counting down the hours until Andy comes home from work and I can get a little help.

For a while I have been telling myself that things will be different next time. Next time I won't get into the habit of breastfeeding the baby to sleep, which would hopefully prevent any of these sleep issues from taking root in the first place. But today I have been contemplating the whole Attachment Parenting issue and whether it has really worked for us as a family or not and I have to conclude not. I have the utmost respect for the people for whom it works and who are satisfied as parents by using these methods and in theory it sounds like a wonderful way to parent. But I just don't feel like it has been right for me personally. I look at the other children that I know and the mums I know online and find myself constantly envious of the way their children sleep, the activities they do together and so on.

I found myself thinking "Next time I don't think we'll follow this path again. I want to enjoy being a parent and I can't do that while this tired." Which led me to the next obvious thought... how can I even contemplate "next time" right now? I am way too busy with Jack to have a newborn to worry about, never mind the stresses on the body of being pregnant. I really have to be practical about this. There is no way I can go through pregnancy and have a new baby while Jack is this demanding. No way.

And from there to... if I hate being a parent so much, am I sure I even want another one? Ever?

Much as I want to go through pregnancy again, desperate as I am to give birth, I have to admit that I actually don't want another child.

I can't have a baby just for the birth. It has to be because Andy and I both want another child and right now I really, really don't. I don't want to go through any of this again and it is by no means guaranteed that different parenting methods would prevent these issues.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jack. I love him so much it actually aches! I love watching him grow and learn and I love the way he looks at me and I love that he needs me so much. But I do not love the way I feel the rest of the time. I do not even remotely like not having the energy to even play with him for five minutes. I just can't see myself being able to cope with two children when I am not coping with just one. I have been having a little cry at the thought that if this feeling persists then I may never, ever give birth. But I feel like I might be ready to let go of that dream because giving birth is not the only thing that matters in life and if I grow old and grey never having done it I will not be less of a woman.