01 July 2010

That Article

It has been covered extensively on the internet, so I won't write an essay, but I couldn't let it go by without some sort of comment....

The article in Mother & Baby Magazine that has caused such a riot among both formula feeders and breastfeeders. You can read the article here. Kathryn Blundell has caused much offence with her inappropriate remarks, calling breastfeeding "creepy" and referring to her breasts as "fun bags". Breastfeeders are incensed with her attitude and formula feeders frustrated that this article will now lead other women to assume they share Ms Blundell's views.

My favourite blog about it is this one which describes the financial incentives for such an article to appear in the magazine during National Breastfeeding Awareness Week.

My own opinion? Ms Blundell is a clever business woman when it comes to advertising for her magazine (she is the deputy editor), but with very little regard for the wellbeing of her readers or their babies. Mother & Baby Magazine have proven themselves to be 100% enthralled to their advertisers and not a respectable publication committed to printing facts and responsible journalistic opinion pieces.