26 April 2006

Silly stuff, links aplenty!

Not a new discovery of mine, but I thought I'd share it with people: London Underground very funny, extremely explicit lyrics, maybe best not to view at work, unless you work somewhere relaxed and groovy!

Another funny: Muppets!

Also check out my nation on Nation States, Ley Land. I used to have a nation called Froudland, and Andy had New Rootopia (he beat me to that!), but we failed to loggin to the site for a while and had our nations deleted. Since I left RSA I've had a lot of spare time and so found myself back there! The forums are particularly lively. If anyone wants to form a new region I'd be very happy to leave the West Pacific and hang out with people I know!

Speaking of Froud, have a look at one of my favorite websites here.

That's all for now. I expect I'll be back for a rant soon enough!

17 April 2006

Wedded Bliss

This weekend was the wedding of two of my dear friends, Chris and Catherine. So Andy and I trundled up to Bolton to participate in the happy event. I had a fair amount of responsibility on this occassion, as I was not only the official videographer, but also doing make up for the bride and her maids, the two sisters of the happy couple.

The wedding itself was on Saturday in Catherine's parish church, with reception taking place at a family favorite restaurant. It was an early start for me, but make up went smoothly and everyone was on time.

The ceremony was everything one would expect from a CofE wedding! (Read into that what you will, those who know me well can guess my specific thoughts) Whenever I film a wedding I'm always thrilled to get prime position behind the vicar/registrar where I get a fantastic view of the couple! Everyone else just gets to watch the backs of heads, I get to see their happy smiling faces - or in the groom's case, nauseousness.

I had the pleasure of seeing Claire again, one of the lovely ladies from the hen weekend in Dublin and also met some of their friends from university in Lampeter, as Catherine had kindly sat Andy and I with them. They're mostly nuts, in a good way!

Sadly, Andy and I needed to get back that evening, so we left the reception after the first dance and drove back to Bristol. I'm so happy to see two of the lovliest people I know making this wonderful commitment and embarking on the long journey of life together, they are so right for each other! Congratulations, Chris & Catherine King!

12 April 2006

"Oh shit. There goes the planet."

Right, so it begins. If you go to get a passport from this year you will be fingerprinted and subjected to a background check and issued with an ID card. This is the start of the barcode state.

Hold on to your hats kids, our nation is about to be lost, freedoms eroded, frightened people forced to hide in the worst possible conditions for fear of being exposed and shipped back to their old country to face torture and probably death. Stop and search programmes increased, further victimizing and angering ethnic minorities and causing even greater resentment among the white public.

Here's a question: these things are meant to reduce ID fraud, right? Well, what's to stop someone going to the passport office with all the current forms of ID that are apparently so easily forged, and getting an ID card in my name?

And another one: If they are not compulsory to carry, what the f*ck is the point?

And: Charles Clark, you mention the benefits to the private sector being worth millions of pounds, is that from selling the data by any chance?

"The "potential benefits to the private sector" of ID cards added up to £425m a year, said Mr Clarke. " full article.

If you know me reasonably well, you will recognise the anger and fear here. Andy and I were going to emigrate as soon as these infernal things were made compulsory, but Andy needs to renew his passport. Had we realised that from right now he would have his biometric data taken and stored for doing so we would have ensured it got done sooner. So guys, if we suddenly drop off the radar it'll be because we have left the country and become illegal immigrants ourselves!!!

11 April 2006

My Space

Hoorah! I have a space! Check it out!

And sign up here to help me and Andy get our FREE X-Box 360!

10 April 2006


I have long been a boycotter of the evil Maccy Ds. But it's not something I'm vocal about most of the time, I suppose because they've stayed out of the headlines for a few years and I've got so used to boycotting them it's a bit of a none issue for me.

I remember one occassion when I was still at school, we went on a trip to London and I very nearly ended up going off on my own when all my friends wanted to go there and I refused. If it weren't for my dear friend Simon I would have ended up wandering the streets of London at 16 years old before the mobile phone revolution (just about!), but he accompanied me to find somewhere else to eat - thanks mate!

But anyway, they have gone and got the attention of Greenpeace by buying chickens fed on soya grown on illegally logged land in the Amazon rainforest. They used to hack it down to farm cows on, and turns out they're still at it but two-steps removed in a vague effort to keep their own hands clean.

I am making a point of putting this out there not because I will ever end my boycott (as I object to them on various counts aside from this; including their business practice, treatment of staff, low level of quality - I have had food poisoning twice from them and only ever eaten there half a dozen times, not a good ratio! - etc.) even if they stop participating in this destruction, but because I think it's one of those boycotts that has waned a little in recent years and I believe now is an ideal opportunity to remind people that there are ethically-minded people out there who boycott this company and here is one reason why. It's a chance to spread the word.

So, please have a read of the information and spread the word to others, McDonalds are destroying ancient rainforests yet again, please follow the 'Take Action' link and write to the European MD to let him know that this is not acceptable. Numbers are powerful and it may well be possible to make them put a stop to their wicked ways if we all do the right thing.

It's time to change the world...

06 April 2006

Dublin Part 2 & Job Rant

Dublin was splendid. Very expensive though, over 6 Euros per drink :-/ Temple Bar, the place to go out in the evening, is a mad street rather like Corn Street here in Bristol, but much longer. The pubs and bars are all heaving by eight and there are people busking in the cobbled street. It was a bit overwhelming but pretty cool. We ended up in this old man's pub away from the mayhem, we were literally the only females in there and attracted a fair amount of attention.

I got into a political debate with one guy, who invited us to some club or other, however we had all pretty much run out of money by this point! There was a particularly drunk man; with Dylan Moran's fabled "Irish hair", who drooled into my lap and when I didn't respond well to his advances he moved onto the girl next to me, trying to chat her up across me! Poor Claire ran away after a few minutes and not long after the barman turfed everyone out.


So, on returning from Ireland I left my job. Not entirely by choice I must admit. There were some issues and they let me go. I fought it through the union, went to appeal and everything. But in the end the decision held and I have to admit that I'm relieved, having discovered what an unprincipled company they are I had no wish to get my job back.

Now what to do? The good news is that I'm still a Virgin Vie consultant, I am making that work and want to take it full time. So, ladies and gents, roll up roll up for your summer VV party and if you're not in Bristol I'm happy to take orders and mail the products to you! Get in touch!